Common Kingfisher

scientific name:
Alcedo atthis
listed in the red book of rk:

Number: Common, rare bird in some places. The global population is estimated at less than 600 thousand individuals. In Europe and the European Union, the population has been declining by 30-49% over the past 13 years. Population trends in other regions are unknown. In Russia, the number is estimated at 100-100 000 breeding pairs and 50-10 000 migrating individuals.
A species that is not used for economic purposes, but has ecological, cultural and other value.
It breeds in the reservoirs of the east and south-east of Kazakhstan west to Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, Karaganda and Kyzylorda, as well as in the valley of the middle and possibly lower reaches of the Urals. It is common on Tentek and the western shore of Alakol. During the migration period, it is found everywhere both on the plains and in the mountains (Lake Markakol, 1450 m).

Status in the Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)