Bukhara red deer

scientific name:
Cervus elaphus bactrianus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The total population in Kazakhstan currently stands at about 1140 individuals.
A rare and endangered species. Category I. An endangered species.
In Kazakhstan, until the middle of the twentieth century, it lived in the area of the lower and middle reaches of the Syrdarya River; the last deer were killed here in 1956. It may have penetrated as far as the Karatau Ridge. It is possible that this subspecies lived in the delta of the Ili River. In 1981, the Bukhara deer was acclimatized in the Karachingil state hunting farm, along the left bank of the middle course of the Ile River. Currently, work is underway to restore the species in the Syrdarya River valley and the release of deer in the Ile-Balkash Nature Reserve has been carried out.

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)