Indian Crested Porcupine

scientific name:
Hystrix indica
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: Extremely rare. There is no up-to-date data on the number of porcupines in Kazakhstan.
A rare and endangered species. Category IV. A rare, little-studied species.
It is found in the Southern Mangyshlak, in the Talas, Kyrgyz and Iley Alatau and Karatau, in the Chu-Ili mountains. On the Southern Mangyshlak in the Kendirli area there is the Kayasan plateau, the Yelshibek well, on the ledge of Zhabayushkan. In the Talas Alatau in the interfluve of Aksu-Sairam, in the Iley Alatau – in the western spurs – Zhetyzhol, Kastek, in the Kyrgyz – in the gorges of Kokdonen, Aspara, Merke, Karakystak, Karakat, Sarybulak, Chungur, in the Syrdarya Karatau – southeastern parts and in the Small Karatau.

Status inthe Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)