Western Yellow Wagtail

scientific name:
Motacilla flava
listed in the red book of rk:

Number: Numerous species. There are no exact data on the number in Kazakhstan. In Europe, the breeding population is estimated at 9.6–16 million pairs. The population shows a downward trend.
A species that is not used for economic purposes, but has ecological, cultural and other value.
It breeds in the northern half of Kazakhstan, and is found almost everywhere on the fly. It inhabits moist meadows with tall grass and sparse bushes or reed margins; wet lake shores and flood meadows on plains and foothills up to altitudes of 400-450 m above sea level. On the fly, it occurs in desert plains near water sources; reed beds (where birds congregate in thousands); and rarely in the highlands up to 3200 m.

Status in the Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)