Great Bustard

scientific name:
Otis tarda
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: In the past, it was a numerous species, but in the middle of the XX century, the number decreased sharply. There are probably about 100 pairs nesting in Kazakhstan; 1-2 thousand birds are found wintering, including, obviously, from Mongolia and Russia. Globally, the total number of the species is estimated at 29.6–33 thousand adults.
A rare and endangered species.  Category I. An endangered species
Steppes of Northwest Africa and Eurasia. There are steppe and forest–steppe zones in Kazakhstan. With the development of virgin lands, bustard was displaced from many native habitats. The once continuous range of this species is now divided into separate sections.

Status in the Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)