Great Cormorant

scientific name:
Phalacrocorax carbo
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The Great cormorant in Kazakhstan is a common, sometimes rare, nesting migratory bird, as well as a rare wintering species. Specific data on population size vary depending on regions and years, but in general the population is considered stable. The global population of the great cormorant is estimated at 1.4-2.1 million. individuals.
a species used for other economic purposes, as well as a species whose number is subject to regulation.
In Kazakhstan, the great cormorant inhabits the Balkhash-Alakol and Zaisan basins, breeds sporadically on the Kamysh-Samara lakes, in the lower reaches of Turgai, in Naurzum and Kurgalzhinsky lakes, as well as on Lake Sorbulak. In recent years, breeding has resumed in the Northern Caspian Sea, in the delta of the Ural River.

Status in the Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)