Photo shoot in Almaty State Zoo


As part of the Wildlife of Kazakhstan project, animal photography was conducted at one of the largest zoos in the country—the Almaty Zoo. Situated in the eastern part of Almaty, at the foot of the northern slope of Kok-Tobe Mountain, the Almaty State Zoological Park is bordered by city streets, with its western edge adjacent to the city’s Park of Culture and Recreation. The Almaty Zoo is a popular destination for both residents of Almaty and visitors to the southern capital, offering a unique opportunity to interact with wild animals, stroll through peaceful, shaded alleys, and escape the city's hustle and stress. It is also the oldest zoo in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The photographs taken during this shoot will be used in various informational and educational materials, including exhibitions, magazine publications, and online resources. Special emphasis is placed on capturing rare and endangered species to help raise public awareness of the need for their protection.

Additionally, the best images are planned to be included in a thematic photo album dedicated to Kazakhstan's wildlife, serving as a visual guide to the country’s fauna. In the future, the Wildlife of Kazakhstan project may expand to other regions, with the aim of creating a comprehensive visual representation of Kazakhstan's biodiversity.

The Wildlife of Kazakhstan project not only offers a deeper understanding of the country’s wildlife but also contributes to its conservation. Photography in the country’s largest zoos is an important step toward creating a unique visual archive that will serve as a source of inspiration and information for future generations.
