Common Kestrel

scientific name:
Falco tinnunculus
listed in the red book of rk:

Population: The number in Kazakhstan is not known for sure, however, based on a global estimate, it can be assumed that about 4 to 32 thousand pairs live in the country, which is equivalent to about 8-64 thousand individuals. The estimated adult population of kestrels in the world ranges from 4.3 to 6.6 million. individuals. These data are preliminary and require clarification.
A species that is not used for economic purposes, but has ecological, cultural and other value.
It breeds all over Kazakhstan, choosing plains and river valleys with woody and shrubby vegetation, xerophytic mountains and highlands (Big Almaty Lake, 2700-2800 m). It is found everywhere on the fly. It winters in the south and south-east of the republic, sometimes in the vicinity of Semipalatinsk and Zerenda.

Status in the Red Book of the IUCN
(International union for the conservation of nature)